

The foundation for success in the primary grades begins in Kindergarten with children actively participating in a wide variety of organized activities and purposeful play experiences. Learning environments are created which are based on contemporary education research and provide developmentally appropriate programming.

Kindergarten children are active learners who learn to become more independent, make decisions and begin to ask questions to make sense of the world around them. They need varied opportunities to explore their world, take risks and gain first hand experiences. Teachers guide children in their learning through the inquiry process. Children are given many opportunities to interact with their peers in fun and creative ways in order to be actively engaged in acquiring language, numeracy and social skills.

Children become competent language users by listening and speaking, reading and writing, and viewing and representing throughout the Kindergarten year. Children learn rhymes, songs, and poems, look at picture books, photographs and videos, listen to stories and fairy tales as well as draw, record and share ideas and experiences.

Class sizes in Kindergarten range between 15 and 20 students.
